lunedì 27 giugno 2011

Guest of the week: Daniel Griffin

Sono elettrizzata al fatto di presentarvi Daniel Griffin aka falsalama. Da leggere tutto d'un fiato. Buona giornata!

I have been sharing my photos on the web under the nickname falsalama, my real name is Daniel Griffin. I am English and travel a lot, and lived abroad for a chunk of my life, mainly in Asia. I remember making a pin hole camera as a boy scout and feeling really inspired. I went on to art school and ran an art and framing gallery in Oxford in the early 90's between travels to India, Nepal and Tibet where I studied Tibetan Buddhist philosophy and meditation. I have always loved photography. In the last 4 or 5 years with websites like flickr and blogs gaining popularity it has become easier and more enjoyable to share work so i have definitely spent more time with it. I have made some good friends and been really inspired and motivated from being more connected in a large community of creative people. 

I am currently printing some of my pictures, selling prints and working towards another exhibition and a book. I'm also going to renew my website and improve my portfolio and will take on some slightly more commercial assignments, as well as continuing with my own personal projects. 

I enjoy the feelings of creativity and inspiration that I get from photography, and see it as a valuable outlet to try express certain things that cannot be so easily put into words. 
I don't take myself very seriously at all, but there are elements of my life, travels and experiences that do filter into my work, and there are definite ideas that I strive to sum up in my pictures, or at least they represent something to me about my life, and the bigger picture, if that makes sense. 

I think my style varies a lot and I'm really changing and trying new things at the moment, but i have always loved classic black and white, grainy candid portraits like back stage scenes, and gritty black and white street and documentary styles, but I also love fine art and the more cool, artistic and alternative side of fashion.

I can be quite critical about my own photos, and always looking for ways to improve them. I am currently making efforts in technical areas to achieve more finesse in processing and better exposure, and tonal ranges, basically to produce higher quality images.  

martedì 21 giugno 2011

Guest of the week: Matthew Fry aka

I am Matt Fry and I live in Echo Park, California, in the United States with my beautiful wife Kenz. I grew up mostly in Dallas, Texas but I have lived all over and worked many jobs. I had never even thought much about photography until about 2 or 3 years ago when I started the blog, The Heroines Project ( with Heroines I began to understand the effect that photography could have and how much it could mean and I wanted to create those images, not the typical photos of perfect women but of women as they are. That’s what I find beautiful. 

I would say that my photography is raw and natural. I rarely take more than just a camera or two and almost always use natural light. I shoot film only not because I am a film snob but because when I started getting into photography about three years ago I couldn't afford a nice digital, soI bought an old minolta instead and started shooting.  ever since then i just fell in love with film.

My inspiration comes from people. I love people. I want to know all about them. I want to see them as they are. I want to see beauty in reality, and that's what I want to show. My work isn't all about me, I don't try to mold the model into what I want. yes, there is always a bit of manipulation from a photographer, but I  try to bring out what is already there. And when i see it, that one moment, that one fraction of a second is saved. That one moment, can be held and shared, and that one moment with nowhere to hide is simply you. Not you now, Not you before, just you in that moment and that's what I love about photography.

I found this quote, which is posted atop the Heroines site, and it has guided my work ever since

“I dont get it.
Women are gorgeous. the female body a feast.
Why do people shoot women with the intention to delete all imaginary possible flaws?
Why not shoot them in such a way the result looks like a celebration of women? 
A picture that looks like a party for your eyes and everyone is invited!

I tried to practice what i preach today.
Shoot women.
Bites lip.
Can't wait to get those pics developed.”
La fille d’O

What is the greatest recognition that I have had? It might sound stupid, but I would have to say that when a model tells me they love their photos and I see them posting and using them. I would say that is my greatest recognition, that they loved what we created. It seems odd, but I care more about the person I am photographing and what they think than anything else.

More on:  Website - Flickr -  Facebook - Tumblr 

domenica 19 giugno 2011

Sophie Sherova

Sophie Sherova ha 22 anni e vive in Russia dove lavora come interior designer. Predilige utilizzare il bianco e nero nei suoi scatti ed è del parere che le sue foto parlino da sole. Io sono d'accordo con lei, l'emotività che mi trasmettono è sicuramente un carattere fondamentale del suo stile. Voi che ne pensate? 

Potete vedere altre foto sul suo flickr

lunedì 13 giugno 2011

Guest of the week: B@rbar@ photography by Barbara Palmisano

Per il post di oggi l' italiana Barbara Palmisano. Oltre ad essere una brava fotografa è anche una persona comprensiva e paziente, con cui parlare di qualsiasi cosa è sempre piacevole.  Se avete dubbi, volete dei consigli o altro vi risponderà come meglio può senza problemi. (Ora non tartassatela per scoprire i segreti delle sue foto, quali magici filtri userà, quale macchina magica avrà ecc ecc. Mea culpa!)

Il mio nome è Barbara Palmisano sono nata e vivo a Parma e fotografo da circa 4 anni. Vorrei che mi immaginaste come una giovane donna che in un tranquillo pomeriggio d'inverno legge, su una morbida poltrona, un libro. Accanto una macchina fotografica ed una tazza di tea. 

Le fate hanno la bacchetta magica, io ho un corpo macchina e un obbiettivo per cercare di cambiare il mondo con un semplice click: mi piace rendere ogni cosa bella, elegante ed armoniosa. Non importa se si tratta di un fiore,di una persona o di un oggetto; il mio scopo è sempre lo stesso. Voglio cogliere l'anima delle persone, cogliere l'essenza degli oggetti.

Amo particolarmente valorizzare le persone e vedere il loro volto stupito e soddisfatto alla consegna delle foto: non c'è ricompensa migliore.
Quali sono gli ingredienti necessari per fare tutto questo? Passione, precisione, senso estetico,volontà e una costante ricerca.
Con la mia nikon al collo esco di casa e disegno il mondo e le persone con con la luce, i pennelli e i colori migliori.

Conoscendola da un bel po' di tempo ormai posso dire che è sempre aperta a nuove sfide fotografiche (vere e proprie sfide personali anche) per arricchire non solo il suo portfolio ma anche la sua esperienza personale. Ricerca da sè le modelle che vuole fotografare ma, tempo e impegni permettendo, lavora volentieri con chiunque sia interessato ad avere delle belle foto. E' una persona molto ospitale (piccolo aneddoto: pensate che mi  ha invitato da lei dopo pochi mesi che ci siamo conosciute!) che riuscirà a mettervi a vostro agio durante il servizio. Non lasciatevi spaventare dalle sue foto, è una comune mortale come tutti noi :D

   Puoi trovarla qui : blog - flickr - facebook

martedì 7 giugno 2011

Guest of the week: Heiner Luepke

Heiner Luepke, fotografo dallo stile inconfondibile, si descrive così: 

I am 28 years old and from northern Germany, I live in Hamburg.
My passion for photography comes from my passion to visualize and give a face and speech to my imagination.
My whole life I used to draw a lot and on a certain point I found photography as a way to express myself.
I think sometimes my photos can look very much unique and like a drawing. I am not fixed on instant photography but it has a certain soft character which I found very suitable for my dreamy imaginative photos. 

Right now I am working on a book project which deals with the fables, fairytale figures and mythologie of northern Europe.
I think this material has so much inspiration to offer far beyond the common clishees but on a psychological and philosophical level.
The book will be released around September this year.

With my work I try to give my own subconciousness a way to comunicate with others and beyond the aesthetics and beauty on the surface I always try to catch the attention of the viewers mind, waking some imaginations and dreams and always enjoy listen to those.
There is also quite an influence of sexuality in my work, even if not always noticable on first sight. 

I am waiting some magazine releases but i am not very good at the whole "getting myself out there buisness" 
I guess i have to work on that. 
My inspiration i draw from all kinds of things, nature, literature, music, history, other artists like Aëla Labbé ( I really love her beautiful mind) or recently the drawings of John Bauer, his work is a big influence on my current project.

Sono rimasta molto affascinata dalle sua percezione e dalle parole in cui esprime di non essere molto portato nelle pubbliche relazioni quando si tratta di far conoscere il proprio lavoro. Trovo sia un aspetto molto interessante perchè mi comunica che tiene molto alla sua sua arte e si dedica ad essa invece che trascorrere più tempo a vendere la propria immagine. Purtroppo, nel mondo reale, un artista per farsi conoscere deve anche saper fare pubbliche relazioni.

More on: flickr 

sabato 4 giugno 2011

Photography: Michael Küpker

"There is actually no need to introduce myself. I don't want to focus on what I am or what my "vision of photography"... People will like my photos or not, there is no "big thing" behind. "

Così, a suo modo, ci offre la sua descrizione Michael Küpler. Ecco una piccola serie dei suoi scatti che potete trovare nei siti riportati alla fine del post. 

Potete trovarlo qui: flickr - tumblr - cargocollective - website